Thursday, December 20, 2007

December 19

Exciting day. Did some reading in the AM. Drove over to Joann Fabrics to get some stuff for the Wife. The place was a madhouse. Had to wait 15 minutes to park. There was so much quilting paraphernalia and estrogen floating around in there that I started ovulating. Bought my assigned goods and returned home. Ate turkey sandwich for lunch. Went to the gym and Trader Joe's. Got home and cooked delicious dinner of stir-fried baby bok choy, brown mushrooms and tofu with onions, garlic, ginger and soy sauce. Wife had a meeting so played with Baby and put her to bed at 8 PM. Fell asleep holding Baby and awoke on the floor of her room at 10:30 PM. Perceived loss of time caused me to stay awake until 2 AM.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Going to Joann's as a male is a nightmare. I was trying to check out and some old lady talked to me for like 15 minutes. I wanted to leave,but i felt bad ...