Saturday, December 22, 2007

December 21

Weighed myself this morning, I'm at 165.5, about my college weight. (I've actually been on a diet since August 2006 when the Wife said I was looking rather large and I told her she was nuts, then secretly weighed myself and saw that I was 181 and looked like John Goodman. I was supposed to be around 170. I've been see-sawing ever since, but a borderline cholesterol rating a few months back led me to redouble my efforts. As a result I'm turning into Bridget Jones with the daily scale visit -- it's sort of an ironic pedestal. Not a bad idea for a sculpture, carved out of a single piece of marble, a fat guy in a David-pose on a scale. Too bad I don't have a giant piece of marble or any sculpting ability.) Read the paper. Had turkey sandwich with tomato-hummus spread for lunch. Treated self to handful of cashew nuts. Went to the gym. Made quesadillas for dinner. Rented some videos for first time in months. Wife put Baby to bed. Had some wine right before starting Harry Potter and started to pass out before Harry returned to Hogwarts. Brewed up some hot chocolate to give myself a boost, drank the hot chocolate and passed out anyway. Woke up contorted in a painful position on the floor during the final scene of Superbad. Must watch everything during baby's nap on the morrow. Oh, man, depression about loss of Lost just hit me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Try to keep things in perspective, mate. Only in California would 181 be considered Goodman-esque. . . unless you are either four foot ten OR weighing yourself in kilos. California living can skew one's perceptions a bit. You're doing better than I, but I'm just dieting by accident.