Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Call me Veder. I am a Yale and UT, Austin alumnus with, to borrow from Oscar Wilde, a great future behind me. When the writers, actors, directors or my own union bretheren and sisteren are not striking I eke out a living in TV production in Tinseltown. I thank the Lord every day that my beautiful wife has a decent job outside "the Industry" so we and our adorable daughter can afford to eat and take hot baths on a regular basis. I decided to start this blog so I had something to do during the WGA work stoppage of 2007-?-- other than my usual downtime activity of penning my unique brand of unsellable screenplays I like to call Big Budget Independents. On this blog I plan to post essays, recipes, fascinating personal anecdotes (some actually true), advice for the lovelorn and hot stock tips on an irregular basis. I understand that even as I write this written blogs have already become woefully passe, but the fact is I'm incredibly good looking and if I did a video blog it would be sure to go viral and make me world famous and I don't want to be mobbed by the paparazzi while shopping at Trader Joe's, reading at the gym, or mowing the lawn.

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