Friday, December 21, 2007

December 20

Big day. Walked the dog in the morning. Planned to cut down the birds of paradise in the front yard, but it rained, so I played Scrabulous until I got carpal tunnel syndrome. Then I journeyed to North Hollywood for an oil change and to have my mechanic check the funny noise coming from the front, right wheel of the car. No matter how many times we drove around the block neither of us heard the noise. Hopefully it just went away. I did not hear the noise on the way home, as you would expect. In the afternoon I read that the WGA will be negotiating with individual companies. This doesn't seem to have the potential to do more than a handful of people much good, but whatever. Fell asleep while doing the crossword puzzle. For dinner we had overcooked halibut, a total disaster. And the Carvel ice cream cake I got for the Wife's birthday had melted a bit and refroze, so it was more like eating Italian ices. The Baby had two huge pieces. I got a stomach ache.

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